Springtime Rituals


Our part of Northern California received heavy rain this winter. While lots of rain is a blessing to this often-parched part of the country, it resulted in quite a few gloomy days after the initial, exuberant rain celebrations had worn off. Now it’s officially spring here in the Northern Hemisphere – we made it! Apart from common religious holidays, typical springtime rituals where I live usually center around nature: everyone seems busy in their garden, tender and fresh produce begins to show up at the farmer’s markets, and folks talk about the various cute baby animals they’ve spotted: Fledglings in a bird nest! A fox kit!


When I lived in Spain, this was the time leading up to Semana Santa and all it’s gilded glory:


In Mexico, thousands of people dress in white and gather at the enormous Teotihuacán Pyramid, located 30 miles northeast of Mexico City. They raise their arms towards the sky to soak up energy for the year:


Costa Rica celebrates El Día del Boyero (Oxcart Driver’s Day) in early March. The colorful oxcarts seem to welcome spring:


Happy spring to you,


Images courtesy of mnn.com, funeu.es, telesueenglish.net, hdqwalls.com, escazunews.com

Published by Alison Trujillo


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