For the Love of Podcasts

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I am a huge fan of podcasts. I have a few favorites these days and tune in while driving, riding the bus, or taking the dog out around the neighborhood. They can be so affirming and inspirational, and for that I’m grateful. Here are three Spanish-language podcasts I recommend…

Coffee Break Spanish is ideal for beginning Spanish speakers. It’s part of Radio Lingua and you can listen to the podcast previews or pay for longer episodes. Each episode focuses on a different theme or topic.

News in Slow Spanish is for intermediate speakers. The hosts discuss current events in slow, very comprehensible Spanish. They also highlight a grammar concept in each episode. You can choose between Castilian Spanish or Latin American Spanish.

SBS Spanish is based in Australia. This is for advanced speakers and covers current events. Recent discussions include the spread of Uber and all the issues that are coming with it, as well as the newly popular bachata singer Karlos Rosé.

Look these podcasts up and let me know what you think.

And – if you want to practice your Spanish with a fab group of people this summer, join me for my summer Spanish group in San Francisco!


Published by Alison Trujillo

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